Webinar - PRC & Hong Kong Tax Overview on non-resident share transfers

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Webinar - PRC & Hong Kong Tax Overview and implications on non-resident share transfer of the PRC enterprises

Foreign investors are keen to explore investments opportunities in the PRC, including merger and acquisition, set-up of PRC enterprises. It is a very common structure used by the foreign investors to hold PRC enterprises with a Hong Kong company as immediate company of an overseas parent company. It is vital for the foreign investors to understand the PRC and Hong Kong tax implications on the share transfer of PRC enterprises.

Fidinam Hong Kong are very honored to be invited by Guangzhou Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment as one of the speakers in the webinar with HSBC and Shenzhen Wuyou Consulting for sharing our tax specialty and experiences on Hong Kong tax overview with the tax implications of non-resident share transfer of the PRC enterprises.

Ms. Yan Hong, Tax Expert at Fidinam Hong Kong with over 20 years of extensive experiences specialized in advising clients on tax issues related to their cross-border structures, including mergers and acquisitions cooperate structure to reduce tax burden and associated tax risks as well as other business needs including transfer pricing and double taxation arrangement, etc.
杭展欣 (Yan Hong) 女士是富德林香港的税务主管,拥有二十余年香港税务咨询经验,擅长领域包括向客户提供各种结构性投资方案,如兼并与收购、企业重组等,为客户进行有效的税务筹划,以减低其整体税负及税务风险,并针对客户各种业务需求提供各类税务建议包括但不限于转让定价、税收协定待遇安排等。

Ms. Vivian Liu, General Manager of Wuyou Consulting with over 10 years of working experience in PRC Financial and Tax advisory, expert Corporate Restructuring, IIT for foreign employees, Transfer Pricing, regular consulting in Tax, Customs and Foreign Exchanges, and Corporate Training in various areas of PRC Finance and Tax. Wuyou Consulting provides a full range of consulting services on PRC Business, Finance and Taxation, Customs and Foreign Exchange encountered for the Chinese companies as well as foreign investors.
刘真(Vivian Liu)女士是深圳市吾友咨询有限公司的总经理,拥有十多年中国财税咨询经验,擅长领域包括企业重组、外籍员工个税、转让定价、税务・海关・外汇方面的常规咨询及企业各类财税培训。吾友咨询致力于为中国企业及海外投资者提供中国商务、财税、外汇、海关等全方位咨询服务。

Join Us! Please send email to events@fidinamgw.com for enrollment. We will email confirmation with the webinar link.


Date: 30 March 2021, 2-5pm
时间:2021年3月30日(周二)14:00-17:00(包括答疑时间)Language: Mandarin/Cantonese
语言: 普通话/粤语

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