Business Breakfast: What is the future of doing business in China?

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Wednesday, 18th January 2023
Time: 7:45 - 09:30
Followed by a breakfast

Lugano City Hall,
Sala del Consiglio Comunale,
Piazza Riforma 1,
6900, Lugano, Switzerland.


The event

Entrepreneurs and investors interested in China and companies that already have a presence there are facing a profoundly changed market. Nearly three years after the start of the pandemic and in light of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), what are the challenges and opportunities arising from having or starting a business presence in China?

To answer this question in a targeted and concrete way, the City of Lugano, the Ticino Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Cc-Ti), the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) and the Fidinam Group have organized a Business Breakfast.

The event’s speaker will be Tommaso Colli, Managing Director of Fidinam Shanghai, who will address the following points in his presentation:

  1. China's current economic situation and developments in the near future, following the 20th CCP Congress.

  2. How to actively monitor the accounting, tax and financial management of Chinese branches, as a result of reduction of foreign personnel and trips to China.

  3. How to start your business adventure in China with the help of accelerators for foreign companies.

Bernardino Regazzoni, the former Swiss ambassador to China, will also be present with an introductory speech.


7:45 Guests Registration

8:00 Start of the event
  • Welcome Greetings from the Mayor of Lugano, Michele Foletti
  • Speech by the Ambassador Bernardino Regazzoni
  • Presentation by Tommaso Colli: China - Management of activities and opportunities in the post-pandemic era
  • Questions & Answers
9:30 Breakfast and networking
This event will be held in Italian and will be moderated by Alberto Lotti and Alex Chung.
The participation at the event is free of charge, registration is compulsory. 

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China: the current context

Covid-19 and the ongoing lockdowns caused by the "zero-tolerance" policy have slowed China's economic growth, yet an unverified message of a likely reopening in March was enough to send Chinese equities skyrocketing. Despite a misty future as the difficult pandemic situation is not yet completely behind us, China remains a staple for entrepreneurs who look to Asia for the growth and expansion of their business.

Those who already have a presence in China can look with optimism to future regulation relaxations and the recovery in GDP announced by the twentieth CCP Congress held in mid-October.

While it is true that managing business activities in China in the post-pandemic era still presents doubts, it is equally true that it still offers many opportunities and challenges. China remains a global giant from many points of view and continues to offer solid outlets in the areas of investment, production, services and consumption. Some examples:

  • China continues to be the largest producer in the world, employing 130 million people; and it is also preparing to become a reference point in research and development, given the explosive increase in the highly educated population;
  • As a result of the enormous urbanization and Westernization of customs, the Chinese population represents continuous growth: by 2030 it will represent two-thirds of the world’s middle class and will increasingly orient its purchases towards goods (including luxury goods), food and entertainment;
  • Looking to the immediate future, policy measures and "fast tracks" are planned to attract foreign investment and facilitate the movement of multinational companies to China, although details and timelines are still being defined.

    Register for the event on 18 January 2023 to find out about the opportunities in China in the post-pandemic era and how to safely and efficiently manage on-site operations.

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Fidinam Shanghai

With a direct presence in China, Fidinam Shanghai's international team assists companies and SMEs with their investments in mainland China. Our range of services includes: company incorporation, accounting, human resources, tax filing and local compliance services.

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