Business breakfast – Singapore as a Springboard: Swiss Business Expansion in Southeast Asia

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Thursday, 21st March 2024
Time: 7:45 - 09:30
Followed by a breakfast

Lugano City Hall,
Sala del Consiglio Comunale,

Piazza Riforma 1,
6900, Lugano, Switzerland.

In today's global business landscape, entrepreneurs and businesses are always exploring new opportunities for growth and innovation. Southeast Asia stands out as a region full of potential, attracting worldwide attention for its economic vitality and growth prospects.

At the forefront of this region is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a group of ten countries in Southeast Asia. This region encompasses diverse cultures, rapid market growth, while also cooperating as an economic powerhouse.

Swiss entrepreneurs looking to expand their horizons will find ASEAN particularly appealing. The region's strategic position at the heart of major global trade routes, a growing and increasingly affluent population, and steady economic development offers a wide array of opportunities for investment and business collaboration.

The diversity within ASEAN – from thriving tech hubs to expansive manufacturing sectors – provides a wide spectrum for Swiss businesses to explore and engage in profitable ventures.

Singapore as gateway to ASEAN markets

Singapore, in this context, emerges as a pivotal investment hub. Renowned for its business-friendly environment, robust legal framework, and strategic positioning, Singapore serves as the ideal springboard for Swiss companies looking to venture into ASEAN.

Its status as a global financial center and a hub for both innovation and trade makes it an unrivalled base for exploring broader Southeast Asian markets.

The city-state's reputation for ease of doing business, coupled with its comprehensive network of trade agreements, provides a stable and efficient gateway for Swiss enterprises aiming to penetrate the diverse and dynamic ASEAN markets.

Recognizing this immense potential, Fidinam, Cc-Ti and the City of Lugano are organizing an exclusive business breakfast in Lugano. This event is a platform for companies in the Ticino region, designed to explore the flourishing business opportunities in Southeast Asia, with a focus on leveraging Singapore as the strategic hub.

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7:45 Guest Registration

8:00 Start of the event 

  • Welcome Greetings by Dr. OEC. Roberto Grassi, CEO Fidinam Group.
  • Introduction by Monica Zurfluh, Head of International Trade at Cc-Ti - The relations between Switzerland and ASEAN markets
  • Presentation by Alessandro Pedrinoni, Fidinam CEO Asia Pacific - An overview of major SE-Asian economies and business trends
  • Presentation by Marta Giordano, Managing Director Fidinam Singapore
  • Case study presentation by Christina Jensen, Head of Operations & Co-Owner at Elixi International
  • Questions & Answers

9:30 Breakfast and networking

This event will be held in Italian and will be moderated by Alex Chung, Institutional Relations & Economic Development, City of Lugano.
The participation at the event is free of charge, registration is compulsory through this form.

Fidinam Singapore

With a direct presence in Singapore, Fidinam Singapore’s international team assists companies and SMEs with their investments in the region. Our range of services includes: company incorporation, accounting, human resources, tax filing and local compliance services, as well as project management for business expansion.

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